Non-formal education

Non-formal education services in the organization are developed in the following main thematic and competence development directions:

  • Family welfare;
  • Social integration into the labor market;
  • Civic education and civic activation;
  • Anti-corruption education;
  • Informational and digital literacy;
  • Personal financial management;
  • Equal opportunities (based on gender, etc.);
  • Ecological behavior;
  • Green course;
  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Communication;
  • Art and creative expression and dissemination;
  • Development of leadership;
  • Community activities and volunteering;
  • Strengthening of institutional capacities of NGOs;
  • Prevention of domestic violence;
  • Public health;
  • Development of projects;
  • Improvement of social services and their quality;
  • Improvement of inter-institutional cooperation and other thematic directions.

Head of non-formal education and social integration
Phone +370 699 21801